Since I have embarked on this new world of storytelling, I have learned so much more than I ever imagined.
I have learned that…even the most basic human experience, like finding a good haircut, can be a story.
I have learned that... even if you think you don’t have anything interesting to say, you really do!
I have learned that…storytelling is indeed an takes practice, it takes not being afraid to be vulnerable, and …it can be lots of fun…especially when you make the
audience laugh.
What I have also learned is how genuine, how supportive, how thoughtful all the other students are in the class I am taking. They listen intently, offer smiles of encouragement, cheer each other on. I am learning so much from each of them and look forward to each week.
What will I learn next?
(The image at the top of the post can be found here.)
Life long learning at its best!! We keep learning and that is a good thing!
Posted by: Deedy | 04/08/2018 at 04:24 PM
I so agree with you, Stephanie! That wonderful supportive atmosphere in classes is something I've rarely experiences elsewhere, and keeps me coming back. I'm also inspired by the talent, courage, and trust I find in my classmates and their stories. Truly terrific!
Posted by: K Sheffield | 04/09/2018 at 06:06 PM
Your closing question is the perfect one for storytelling. It's sometimes really hard for me to be open to learning new (creative) things! It's much easier to stay in my usual lane of appreciating the stories others tell. But, I agree that this class is the perfect supportive environment in which to stretch my creative muscles and try something new.
Posted by: Kathy Nakagawa | 04/10/2018 at 11:59 PM
Your story about a haircut was inspiring! To know how interested I was in something that might be considered an everyday event helped me think of new stories that had never occurred to me. Thank you!
Posted by: Sandra Scott | 04/11/2018 at 10:13 PM
You have shown how we can craft our stories from real life experiences. You drew us in, and kept us engaged, in a genuine way. You're right about the class. The level of care and support is amazing. Keep going in your quest to be a lifelong learner!
Posted by: Lori Gonzalez | 04/12/2018 at 09:15 AM
Stephanie, I absolutely loved your haircut story. It was genius the way you constructed it, and it definitely inspired me to look closer at the small things in life!
Posted by: Debbie Rowe | 04/12/2018 at 12:53 PM
Personal storytelling has been inspirational this semester. I'm so glad I got to hear your stories. Each of them was beautifully crafted and touched upon something to which everyone could relate. You have a talent for telling, even the most simple of life experiences; you find the meaning that is rich and complex - please keep telling!
Posted by: Marian Giannatti | 04/27/2018 at 05:42 AM