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Lori Gonzalez

This is great, Debbie, and, so true. It's all about perspective!

Kathy Nakagawa

You capture so well that feeling of nostalgia and why sometimes the memory is better! And I like that you were able to contrast your memory with the "reality" and create a story around that!

Sandra Scott

Debbie, these thoughts were perfect! I have been disappointed as well when I've found out my memory is different than my reality. But for a listener, hearing your reality verses your memory makes it even more interesting! (I guess the listener can't be disappointed if we have nothing to compare, right?) Including those comparisons in a story is a bonus!


Debbie, this is hilarious. I love that this came full circle for you. I'm sure it gave you more empathy for your mom! My dad drives me insane will his tall tales, although his aren't only from childhood - some are from when I was there and I know it didn't happen that way! I guess we all have some storytelling in us :)

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