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Marilee Lasch

The blog wasn't quite finished, and I want it to end with these words. I, as a storyteller, want to present that one must find their own path, listen to the still quiet voice that resides in each one of us, and keep on keeping on. Someone, somewhere is a thirsty cactus waiting for alittle sunshine and water. And maybe my story is just what they need. Now you know " The rest of the story"

Elizabeth Wunsch

You didn't need the extra. The piece is beautiful. Simplicity says it all. Trust. Beautiful.

Crystal Gale

"Keep on keeping on." Thank-you Marilee for the encouragement.

Myranette Robinson

I used to joke and say "I'm going to move to Phoenix. It was prophetic. I did move here and after retirement I wanted to explore my creative side that was dormant for so many years. Storytelling did that for me. It is good to have you as a comrade on this journey.

Terri Jackson

I'm so proud to have met you this semester. You're life experiences are inspiring. You exhibit the true meaning of survival at any cost. I apply the statement " doing it my way" to you and what I've learned from you.

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