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Elizabeth Wunsch

It is interesting to discover the choice the Irish made when they actually were able to have a choice of how to save their stories. Lovely poem!


How glad I am that we can both talk and write. I love the intimacy when we sit together, trading thoughts and feelings back and forth. Yet I also love the space to ponder, to allow time for "words to intensify the breathtaking thunder." Thank you for these words and thoughts.

Kathy E

This is a great post. I though your discussion about communication and how we choose to engage with others was a great insight. And like Liz - lovely poem!

Myranette Robinson

Oh what a great piece to think about. I hope we never are in a situation where we have to choose. If I chose writing, I would miss such works such as The Wind in the Willows. I chose talking I would miss hearing the great stories being told by my classmates and others. You post let me cherish communication of all types.

Marilee Lasch

I teach a group based on the book THE ARTISTS WAY and part of the process is to write in a journal three pages every morning.It is always a challenge for me, as I am a talker, and find that even as I'm writing I'm thinking my thoughts out loud LOL. But when I am reading my mind and mouth get quiet, so I would really miss someone else's writing.

Crystal Gale

I too often wonder what it would be like to listen to someone tell stories who wrote such lovely words. I think I would like to hear Rudyard Kipling. Thank-you for the thoughts that are provoking more thoughts.

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