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Kathy E

Elizabeth, what a rich and heart felt blog. It brought to mind the hand made grave markers and folks who bury their own. Then I read it was women prisoners - staying connected to this world and the next. You are so right, we should listen to all the stories - especially the really hard ones.

Sally Borg

Very thought provoking.


Thanks for sharing Elizabeth. Letting others have a voice is truly one of the most beautiful callings of a storyteller. Blessings on your journey.

Crystal Gale

Thank-you Elizabeth. Sometimes it is hard to hear other people's stories because they are at times painful to listen to. I think it is these stories that help keep my heart soft and connected to reality.

Marilee Lasch

I don't think I could have stood there and watched that! Your work at Andre House is awesome and I admire you for doing that. I am such a caretaker that I would lose myself trying to take care of others. The important thing to remember is that one can teach, love, and help but maintain ones own identity . Kudos to you for your caring soul.

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