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Joan, you have so many rich stories. Thank you for sharing this one.

Elizabeth Wunsch

Joan, this is a wonderful telling of the difficult journey women have had to endure over the years in our workforce.

Pamela Spence

Thanks for the flash back of all the roles we strong women are able to accomplish.

Myranette Robinson

Thank you for sharing your story. The more we tell our stories as women in the workplace we teach the women coming behind us the importance of education, and the strength to fight for their rights.

Sally Borg

I can hear your voice as I read this! We had a long way to go back then, and it is refreshing to hear of someone standing up for what is right. We still have a long way to go now.

Mike Blackstone

What an inspiring story with a great ending, Joan. And I can get that, even more than that, her behavior was exemplary for others, to stand our ground for fairness to ourselves. Not near enough of stories like these turn out as well, and my heart yearns for and I will work toward more and more and more to do so. Thank you, Joan!

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